Why old Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) technology just isn’t viable

When Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) technology first came to the market, there was an undeniable sense of excitement surrounding the idea that a machine could extract moisture from the earth’s atmosphere and turn it into drinkable water. The technology provided much-needed hope during a water scarcity crisis that was long overdue a breakthrough.

To understand why people were so excited about the original AWG machines, it’s important to know that around 97% of the earth’s water is classed as non-consumable saltwater, and less than 3% is considered to be fresh, drinkable water. Of this 3%, approximately three-quarters is currently stored in frozen glaciers that are melting at an unsustainable rate. As these frozen glaciers melt into the sea, more of the earth’s precious freshwater becomes salty, putting our freshwater ecosystem under severe pressure.

While many placed hope in the idea that AWG machines might provide a quick fix to the harsh realities of water scarcity, others recognized from the beginning that a complete reimagining of these machines would be required to actually make a difference. 

Luckily, some innovators identified the flaws in the original systems early enough to commit their time to developing new technology and ensuring that the solutions provided are viable this time.

As the severity of the water crisis continues to grow, let’s look at seven reasons why old AWG technology just isn’t feasible enough to make a real impact: 

1. Is it really “advanced water technology” if it can’t be remotely managed?

AWG technology launched as a revolutionary and highly innovative concept that caused an immediate stir amongst industry professionals. However, as some experts identified quite early, the manual intervention required for the machines made it clear that the technology would not be accessible to everyone.

For the machines to function correctly, the water quality, humidity and dew point must all be accurately and consistently measured — meaning that management of the units must involve manual command and supervision to maintain production levels. A lack of remote technology also means that most AWG machines rely on manual intervention to turn on and off, and to tell the machine when and where water needs to be extracted. 

2. Too high cost per unit with little investment opportunities

Most new technology that presents life-changing features will come to the market at a high cost per unit. While this cost sometimes reduces over time due to further development and competition, unfortunately, some technology just doesn’t have time on its side. 

For AWG machines to come to the market with such high production costs (and as a result, high purchase prices) — the likelihood of the countries who need the machines most being able to afford them was low from the beginning.

By 2050, it is projected that at least one in four people will be affected by recurring water shortages — with several countries already facing the harsh realities of water scarcity daily. With too high a price to pay to improve these statistics, it seems likely that the old AWG machines will never be able to provide solutions in time to the people who need them most. 

3. They require too much energy and can have a significant carbon footprint

As a solution that aims to improve the impact of the climate crisis, the sad reality is that old AWG units are actually contributing to the issue. With high energy usage (and in some cases, an extremely high carbon footprint!), these machines have been problematic since their inception.

Some older units require about 310 watt-hours of energy to make a liter of water, with additional energy required to make the water fully drinkable and distribute it wherever needed. With even newer units requiring large vehicles to transport the machines, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much damage existing AWG units do to the environment — but the need for improvement is clear.

4. Too slow production rate to make investment worthwhile

Even though most early versions of technology will take time to develop into something that satisfies a broader range of needs, the productivity rate of current AWG technology is proving detrimental to the cause. Inadequate filtration systems and manual intervention means that the output required is just not there.

AWG machines were developed to supply water for general human consumption, with the additional purpose of providing water for activities such as cooking and cleaning to areas with little or no access to clean water. While this is a step in the right direction, the earth requires much larger quantities of water to sustain life and maintain areas such as agriculture and sanitation.

Even though the intention of older AWG machines was to develop the technology further to cater for these needs in the future, the need for larger quantities of water is now.

5. Water isn’t immediately drinkable

As mentioned above, old AWG technology can have a slow production time, with filtration systems that require constant care and attention to ensure that water quality is actually at a consumable level. Unfortunately, many AWG systems that claim to produce drinkable water don’t end up doing so in the quantities they promise.

Filtering water through AWG systems is a complex process that doesn’t always manage to extract harmful contaminants the first-time round. For manual units, differences in the air purity where the water is extracted can provide issues with the final product, as constant measurement and adjustments are required. For water to be consumable, it should meet USEPA safe drinking water standards, but older filtration systems mean that these standards are difficult to meet. 

6. The size of units make them inaccessible to many

Large AWG units intended for supplying water to entire localities are known to be heavy and difficult to transport. This makes it difficult to reposition them or transport them for repairs. Smaller versions of the units have been developed, but their output is usually not sufficient to serve their intended purpose. 

With the recent development of smaller, more consumer-friendly units, AWG machines have almost become a novel gadget for people in developed societies to have in their homes and businesses. However, their existence is a sure sign that the people who need the most units are not being prioritized. With such pressure on AWG units to deliver what is essentially a life-changing product, the focus should always have been on improving the machine’s ability to save lives before focusing on consumer use. 

7. Manufacturers aren’t committed long-term

Following on from the previous point, what started out being marketed as life-saving technology has for some manufacturers, shifted more towards becoming a novel product that people in developed countries can add to their homes, offices, school and event venues. While ultimately, this is a nice way for water consumption to be moving in — many manufacturers have completely abandoned their original intentions for the units in favor of more short-term commercial opportunities. 

Even though this might not sound like a bad thing for water sustainability overall, the manufacturers continuing to tweak their technology are ultimately still working with a flawed concept. While on a smaller scale, where lives are not in visible danger — the current machines appear to suffice — but long-term, their development can only go so far.

How does Oxydus’s Teva7 technology solve all of these issues?

There’s no doubt that the creators of AWG machines had good intentions from the beginning, but the rush to bring the machines to market resulted in issues not being ironed out before changes began prioritizing the short-term market over communities experiencing water shortages. Because of this, the old technology didn’t just need to be configured, it had to be completely reinvented.

Patented technology that utilizes only the best AI software

Oxydus has developed and patented the only remotely managed water production system, soon to hit the market. Available in three different sizes, the unit known as the Teva7 can be managed without a need for manual intervention. Instead, the unit uses AI software that allows users to manage and control all water functions and production from anywhere in the world.

Oxydus has already been issued with two U.S. Patents & awarded international PCT Patent application recognition — so there’s no doubt that our technology is worthwhile! 

New filtration systems and lower cost per unit

The Teva7 machine contains new filtration systems that ensure all harmful contaminants are removed from the water produced by the machine. This results in water that is immediately drinkable, regardless of the level of air purity around the machine. 

Even with this new and highly-effective filtration system in place, the Teva7 still manages to have a lower cost per unit than any of its competitors. This makes it possible for real change to be made across the globe (not just for those with privileged access!).

Virtually no carbon footprint!

Powered by solar-powered nano batteries, the Teva7 technology connects all units so that power can be transferred between units efficiently. Conversion to and from AC power as needed will be automatically recognized by our AI software, with the unit’s ability to turn itself on and off as required also contributing to its virtually non-existent carbon footprint.

Higher production rate that works across all climates

Because the Teva7 produces instantly drinkable water, it also has a higher production rate than its competitors. This, along with low filter changes, low engine maintenance and a storage capacity of up to 10,568 gallons of water — the Teva7 unit is a truly viable option for placement anywhere in the world. Working across all climates and self-contained with tamper-proof technology, Oxydus has worked tirelessly to bring a unit to the market that can significantly impact the water scarcity crisis.

While old AWG machines offered a glimmer of hope at a critical time, Oxydus’s push for newer, more targeted technology provides real solutions that are more than just a mirage…  

You can contact us directly if you would like to receive technical documentation on our machinery and process!

For investors wanting to get involved, you’ll find all the information you need at: https://wefunder.com/oxydus


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