Which Countries Are Most Impacted by Water Scarcity?

Have you ever wanted to do your part for the climate crisis but felt that your contribution wouldn't be enough to make an impact? Due to the sheer magnitude of what's facing the world, it's understandable that people are feeling this way. We're here to tell you that your small efforts can make a difference, but as many of us know, there's always  more that can be done. 

The media is full of reports on climate change. From the rightful demonization of fossil fuels, to footage of flash floods; the world couldn't be more aware of the climate crisis. As with everything though, certain aspects of every crisis will always be more widely reported than others. 

At Oxydus, we believe in a balanced approach, and that's why we want to shine a spotlight on the less dominant voices of the climate crisis, the people whose hardships are often overlooked. By aligning with the right causes, you can directly transform the lives of these people at the very heart of this emergency and instigate change that will benefit all of us in the long run.

Oxydus are currently focused on the 1.1 billion people worldwide who currently lack access to water, and in particular, the nations in need of fast and viable solutions now. To find out why this is our current mission and how to help, read on. 

Why are Oxydus focusing on water accessibility?

Did you know that approximately 97% of the earth's water is considered to be non-consumable saltwater, and less than 3% is classified as fresh and drinkable? Of this 3%, about three-quarters is currently stored in frozen glaciers and is melting into saltwater at an unsustainable rate.  

As fresh water continues to deplete and the idea that we could soon run out of usable water becomes a not-too-distant reality, all eyes are on environmental innovators like Oxydus to step up and deliver immediate solutions. With billions of people worldwide already facing the harsh reality of water scarcity, the moment for developing advanced water technology has to be now.

How is there a water scarcity crisis if there's flooding all the time?

As well as severe drought and other extreme weather conditions, there's been an increase in the level of flash flooding across the globe. But if there's flooding, how can the planet be running out of water?

As global temperatures continue to rise and water evaporates off of the earth's surface at a rate that nobody could have predicted, the earth's natural water cycle and ecosystem are now under severe pressure. This disruption to the water cycle is what's causing us to experience more extreme weather events such as storms, flooding, and drought. 

Even though water still falls from the sky, it's falling in such unpredictable bursts that it can no longer be managed effectively. Floodwater can contain sewage and diseases that are hazardous to our health and turns water that previously, might have had some use, into water that is dangerous for human consumption. With a decrease in supply and an increase in contamination, access to water for even sanitation purposes is increasingly limited for many. 

Which countries are currently experiencing the most severe water scarcity? 

Even though all countries are feeling the effects of climate change, the unfortunate reality is that less developed countries are, as usual, the worst off. With the supply of fresh water not being sufficient to meet global demand, the divide between countries that can afford to bide themselves some time and those who can't is strikingly obvious.

Currently, earth.org lists 17 countries suffering from extremely high baseline water stress, with many more on the cusp of being added to this list. The current list consists of: 

Qatar, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Eritrea, United Arab Emirates, San Marino, Bahrain, India, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Oman and Botswana. 

While some of these countries are actively implementing measures to reduce the impact of the crisis, several nations on this list are losing lives daily to a lack of access to clean, drinkable water.

Why aren't more people taking action?

We live in a society that now has more access to education on sustainability than ever before. Yet, many nations already experiencing the harsh effects of climate change are still fading into the background. Even though almost every government openly acknowledges the need for change, the voices of the strongest and most dominant nations are usually the loudest.

The problem with developed countries planning and developing technology in anticipation of what's to come is that the people in immediate need of this technology are being overlooked in favor of more attractive markets. Already, there has been a shift in who green technology is being targeted towards, and as a result, it is now up to the most committed environmental innovators to refocus efforts.

Oxydus identified a long time ago that the water infrastructure being developed wasn't viable for delivering effective results on a global scale, and that's why we decided to ensure that the solutions we provide help everyone — not just those in privileged positions. The process of developing technology that fulfills its promises and makes an impact from the very beginning requires dedication, and this is why so many innovators have already switched their attention to serving a less meaningful purpose. At Oxydus, we believe that when developers don’t stray from their original intentions, it becomes easier to see where other technology has gone wrong and provide better solutions all round. Technology that is perfected from the offset can be adapted more easily later, but imperfect technology will always present problems.

How is Oxydus helping and how can you join our journey?

Oxydus has developed and patented the Teva7 system, the only remotely managed atmospheric water production system, soon to hit the market. Instead of waiting on other technology to provide access to water for everyone, we decided to develop our own. 

Available in three different sizes, the unit extracts moisture from the earth's atmosphere and turns it into instantly drinkable water, with all functions controllable from anywhere in the world. With virtually no limitations on where the unit can be positioned, Oxydus can provide water wherever it's needed.

Using the latest AI technology and a new filtration system that ensures all harmful contaminants are automatically removed from the water, Teva7 finally provides a viable solution to the current water scarcity problem at a much lower cost than competitors.

No longer dependent on human intervention and accessible to a much wider range of people, the Teva7 is a breath of fresh air in an industry that was running out of time. 

To read about the full advantages of Teva7, see here.

How to get involved:

Up to now, units developed within the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) industry haven't managed to address the issues that Oxydus has succeeded in addressing. This is why gathering funding for the Teva7 is now more important than ever. 

We've ensured that our units are scalable and can start delivering results immediately, so there's no better time to get involved. We've already been issued with two U.S. Patents & been awarded international PCT Patent application recognition. With additional support, we can reach the people who need us most with immediate effect. 

We're making waves in the industry and we'd love for you or your business to be part of our journey! You can contact us directly if you would like to receive technical documentation on our machinery and process! 

For investors wanting to get involved, you'll find all the information you need at: https://wefunder.com/oxydus


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