What does AWG stand for?

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The abbreviation “AWG” can be heard among those concerned with the global water crisis. AWG is seen by some as an innovative and radical method for providing water in areas that may struggle with water access. Some even see AWG as a welcome addition to the longstanding traditional water sources of groundwater, surface water, and rainwater.

However, some articles that discuss AWG do so without expanding the abbreviation or clarifying what it stands for. Full knowledge of the promise of AWG is impossible without understanding the abbreviation in full, so here we answer the question: What does AWG stand for?

What AWG stands for

The abbreviation “AWG” stands for “atmospheric water generation.” The atmosphere contains some 37.5 million billion gallons of water as humidity. This explains why, for decades, scientists have explored tapping into this massive resource as a way to obtain drinking water. If humankind could access this humidity and convert it to clean drinking water, then society could theoretically combat the water access problems driving the global water crisis.

Water is indeed all around us at all times, as humidity attests. Humidity represents the extent to which the air is saturated with water vapor, which is why 100 percent humidity accompanies most rainfall. More humid environments are better suited for AWG, which may partially account for AWG’s relatively limited global usage, as not all the world – such as deserts, which make up one-third of the planet – is appropriately humid for AWG. 

How AWG is currently used

Currently, AWG forms the basis of several at-home machines that generate water without access to existing pipelines. These machines, which may resemble traditional water coolers, can generate several gallons of water per day. Similar machines are the basis of vehicles outfitted with AWGs. These vehicles can drive anywhere at any time of day to provide water to communities in need. Additionally, in especially windy areas, AWG machines powered by turbines convert wind into energy used for water generation.

Today’s AWG machines have improved on the first devices that were introduced nearly two decades ago, but they still have notable flaws. First and foremost, the quantity of water produced by most AWG machines is too low to compete with the water infrastructure on which humans rely. The purity of the water produced may be questionable, too, as not all AWG machines have thorough filtration systems that remove contaminants at multiple stages of the water generation process. AWG can also be quite energy-intensive, meaning that any AWG machines powered by electricity – and, therefore, fossil fuels – can further add to the challenges of climate change, which in turn drives the very same global water crisis that some people look to AWG to stop.

How Oxydus AWG factory is a better alternative

Oxydus has devised a method for eliminating AWG’s flaws while scaling the process to compete with traditional water access and distribution methods. In AWG factories, settings can be controlled to achieve high volumes of water output, advanced filters are installed to ensure proper air and water purity, and all processes are solar-powered rather than electricity-dependent. 

AWG begins in factories when air is brought in from the outside world. This air is passed through bag filters to remove impurities before its ambient moisture is converted to water. After the water is generated, it is passed through another series of state-of-the-art filters. In the chamber where condensation occurs, temperature and humidity are maintained at levels that result in the maximum volume of water. This means that Oxydus AWG factories are free from constraints related to weather and geography, enabling the factory to produce 10,000 liters of pure, mineralized water every day no matter the external conditions.

This environmental control radically improves upon the vast majority of existent AWG machines, including vehicle-based AWGs. Although the notion of vehicles that can generate water anytime, anywhere is immensely appealing, these vehicles produce water slowly and in low volumes. Even the largest of vehicles can’t transport enough equipment to produce volumes of water large enough to combat water shortages on a wider scale. An AWG factory, on the other hand, achieves volumes this large every day, and though the factories are immobile, they come equipped with water distribution machinery that makes up for their stationary nature.

All water generated in Oxydus AWG factories is packaged into fully biodegradable water bottles for distribution to communities in need. The biodegradability of the water bottles counters the environmental impact of shipping these water bottles to destinations all over the world, but AWG factories don’t always need to ship water. They can provide pure, bottled water directly to people in the regions where they’re based, all without the expenses and impacts of shipping. 

Oxydus AWG factories also plan to work closely with local and regional governments to ensure that water is treated in full compliance with the law. Mineralization can vary from region to region, and Oxydus planned staff of science, safety, and environmental experts can vary mineral content to match regulations. 

People from all walks of life can contribute to Oxydus AWG factory project and make a difference in combating the global water crisis. Click here to visit the Oxydus Wefunder page and learn how you can contribute to a permanent infrastructure that could help to provide clean water for all.


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