The Global Water Crisis: Why 2 Billion People Still Lack Access to Clean Water 

Imagine spending hours each day just to collect a few buckets of water as a single mother looking after two kids. This is the reality for millions of people like Isidora who toil day and night to earn their bread and butter and also spend a major part of their day moving water between far-flung locations. While we often take clean water for granted, this isn’t the reality for almost one-fourth of the world’s population.  

As per a study done by UNESCO, there are over 2.2 billion people in the same position as Isidora who simply do not have access to clean drinking water. 

Seeing this statistic, one would expect that everyone will be alarmed and questioning why such a large amount of people are deprived of such an essential human requirement. Unfortunately, not everyone has the capacity, time, or desire to think about this issue. 

The harsh truth is those who are suffering do not have the capability to help themselves, and those who have the resources are simply unaware of the problem at hand. 

However, the reality is that the water crisis looms large over the entire planet, and it will eventually impact each of us if nothing substantial is done quickly. Therefore, investing in solutions like Oxydus’s Teva7 is critical to solving this crisis. Equipped with multi-stage filtration, it produces water of the highest quality and at the same time performs self-maintenance and monitoring, which lowers the operational expense considerably. Given the current demographics and economic situation of people struggling due to water crisis, Oxydus’s Teva 7 becomes the best solution to solve their problem. Let’s have a look at a few stories of people who have struggled or still struggling with water shortages.  

Stories of People Struggling Due to a Lack of Drinking Water 

Life can be an endless struggle for some people, but things become even worse when a basic commodity like water is out of sight.  

Isidora’s Story 

Just ask Isidora who used to spend over one and a half hours carrying buckets of water from a local water source to her home. A single mother of two, Isidora lives in Bolivia and is struggling to live a decent life because of water scarcity. But thanks to the effort of the government, she now has access to clean water, which she believes has made her life simpler. However, the question is how long a country with limited natural freshwater resources can keep up the supply amid the rising population and climate change. Do they have access to an advanced air to water generator like Oxydus’s Teva 7 that can generate water from even the driest of weather? 

Nagat’s Story 

The situation was even worse for Nagat Khan, a resident of Sudan, who used to fetch water from a deep well. Every day she used to risk her life while trying to lower the bucket into the well. She recalls how she used to be held by her friends to prevent her from falling inside the deep well. The end result of her risk-taking endeavors was unclean water, which presented many risks of its own. But thanks to UNICEF, the problem is resolved for the time being as Nagat and her friends collect water from a source via a tap, which is not too far away from their home.  

Hafsa’s Story 

But unlike Nagat who has found a solution to her problem, Hafsa Bedel is still in a difficult situation. A mother of six in Ethiopia, Hafsa has lost 25 camels during a deadly drought. Now, she keeps the rest of the livestock at home for fear of them not finding food and water and dying like others. For Hafsa, the requirement of water is many times more than Nagat and Isidora, because water consumption by water guzzling animals like camels is much greater. So, even with basic water conversation initiatives, it is unlikely that camels will have enough water in the near future. There is a need to supplement the existing water supply by using solutions such as Oxydus’s Teva 7, which can produce up to 20 K liters of water on daily basis.   

In the three examples mentioned above, we have shared real-life experiences of people who live in arid areas. As the population rises in such places and climate change becomes more prevalent, the water sources are expected to dry, and the situation is likely to worsen for Isidora, Nagat, and Hafsa. Therefore, it is important to invest in water solutions that can generate water from air in areas that have little to no humidity.  

Alarming Statistics About Global Water Crisis 

Since 2022, almost half of the world’s population has experienced severe water scarcity during the year. Almost, one-fourth of the world’s population faced ‘extremely high’ levels of water stress and used over 80% of their annual renewable freshwater supply. Such excessive use meant that the local environment and ecosystem were disturbed, increasing the risk of water depletion in the future.  

It is a well-known fact that our ecosystem works best when it is balanced. However, due to the population boom, excessive pollution, and frequent climate changes, the equilibrium is disturbed. The situation has become extraordinarily difficult to manage and calls out for an extraordinary solution. This is why there is a need to support excellent water scarcity funding opportunities like Oxydus’s Teva 7, which are run by well-intentioned people who have proven scientific expertise and a desire to do good for humanity. That’s why Teva 7 has an eco-friendly design that lowers its environmental footprint and make it a greener option compared to many traditional AWGs, which can do more harm than good because of their larger environmental footprint. 

Final Thoughts 

Oxydus’s Teva 7 is a revolutionary product that needs fundraising to provide clean water access to everyone on this planet. There are very few solutions for water investment that have patented technologies like AI weather monitoring and advanced filtration systems. Oxydus’s Teva 7 is leaps ahead of its competition in terms of fulfilling massive requirements, but it needs immediate funding to save lives. Your support for Oxydus’s Teva 7 could be the difference between life and death for millions. By investing in Teva7 today, you’re not just funding a product—you’re investing in the future of clean water for everyone. 


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