Oxydus - Solutions for Earth's Biggest Problems

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How the AWG model can build a brand-new industry

Atmospheric water generation (AWG) holds enormous potential to combat the ever-growing global water crisis, but Oxydus model goes beyond addressing the urgent need for increased water access. Our large-scale factory model in itself would have a ripple effect throughout the communities in which our factories operate, creating an entirely new industry which will stimulate several off-shoots of the local economy. Here’s how setting up AWG factories would build an entirely new industry.

Maintenance opportunities

An AWG factory requires no small number of mechanical parts. The factory’s equipment, filtration system, bottling system, reservoirs, sanitary storage tanks, and the AWG machine itself will require routine and emergency maintenance in order to perform reliably and at its best. People who understand how to install, maintain, and repair all the moving parts in the AWG factory will be crucial as the adoption of the AWG model takes root and spreads.

Manufacturing AWG factory parts

Upkeep for an AWG factory’s parts is just one piece of the puzzle. These parts will need to be built somewhere, somehow. An AWG factory will have dozens of components, and each part of the whole will have its own unique manufacturing requirements and specifications. One component might be built in the labs of a chemical engineering firm, whereas mechanical engineers might be more suited to put together certain AWG factory parts. Experts who can craft the components that meet and exceed AWG factory standards will be needed in larger numbers as AWG factories proliferate.

Education programs for AWG factory work

Most technical programs around the world don’t yet offer courses focused on the sort of mechanical upkeep that AWG factories will require. The need for machine technology jobs, in turn, creates the need for education programs that can certify workers as capable of maintaining and installing the many complex parts of an AWG factory. Whether in mechanical engineering departments at universities or as part of a technical or vocational school track, these courses would be implemented in large numbers to maintain the AWG factory industry, opening countless teaching jobs.

Education programs won’t just spring up for vocational training. Teams of scientists, environmental experts, water safety technicians, and other professionals with advanced education will have the opportunity to work on the factory’s daily operations and on continued research and development.

Constructing AWG factories

At Oxydus, we have a bold, uncompromising vision for how AWG factories can combat the global water crisis. Architects and construction experts are urgently needed to bring the facility to life, and as AWG factories grow not just in number, but also in size, this need for workers well-versed in industrial construction will only grow. The construction and designing of AWG factories could quickly become a hotly desired specialization as factories become more prevalent.

Engineering AWG factories

No scientific process is complete without regular revision and improvement. The intricacies of an AWG factory will require regular supervision and analysis from seasoned chemical, mechanical, electrical, and materials engineers. These engineers will oversee and regulate all on-site processes, looking for ways to expedite them without sacrificing the quality of the water produced. The rise of AWG factories will provide a larger number of opportunities for engineers looking for new jobs or full-on career changes into a field where they can make a tremendous difference.

Meteorology opportunities

For our AWG factory to achieve the maximum possible amount of water output, factors including humidity, heat, and sunlight exposure are of paramount importance. Meteorologists are urgently needed to identify locations where humidity remains at AWG-friendly levels year-round, temperatures don’t fluctuate to levels too hot or cold to stimulate AWG, and enough daylight hours and clear skies occurs to maximize AWG output.

Regulating AWG factories

Currently, no regulations exist regarding the production of water from air. All other aspects of water, ranging from its sanitation to its delivery into homes, go through extensive government regulation. As AWG factories become more prominent, it is all but inevitable that local, national, and international governing bodies will seek to regulate AWG factories. Oversight of the minerals added to water, the sanitation processes through which AWG-produced water is freed of contaminants, and the working condition of factory parts will all become vital to government agencies. Government environmental, sanitation, and health regulatory agencies would all require many new jobs to fulfill this need.

Sustainability opportunities

Our commitment to fighting climate change encompasses more than just combating the global water crisis. A few of the many ways we support renewable resources are by using solar panels to power our factories, biodegradable plastics to build our water bottles, and nanotechnology batteries to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Our factories thus expand work opportunities for experts in renewable, sustainable, zero-emissions energy, a sector experiencing rapid growth as its costs fall.

Educated, skilled experts can solve the global water crisis

There’s no issue with which water scarcity doesn’t overlap. Economies, not to mention human health and quality of life, suffer drastically when not enough water is available to meet people’s needs. AWG factories not only produce vast quantities of potable, high-quality water, but they also lead to the creation of new jobs and an entirely new industry tying these careers together.

Our vision for AWG factories is unprecedented and inventive, and that’s why we’re asking for the help of everyday people in making our dream come true. Click here to visit the Oxydus Wefunder page and learn how you can contribute to a permanent infrastructure that could help to provide clean water for all.