Oxydus - Solutions for Earth's Biggest Problems

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Why Getting Involved in Green Initiatives Can Help Your Business to Soar

Did you know that as well as being a good social investment for your business, the concept of “going green” can also be rewarding in other ways? Companies worldwide are saving money, improving employee happiness and establishing better customer loyalty — all through the green initiatives they’re adopting. 

While green initiatives are still a relatively new concept in terms of running your business, companies not joining the fight against climate change and the deterioration of our ecosystem are already being called out for their lack of support. On the flip side, companies making an effort are being commended by stakeholders who are now more educated than ever in environmental causes (we know which side we’d rather be on!). 

If your company isn’t already on a sustainable journey, or you need a reminder of why the journey is worthwhile, we’ve outlined some of the key reasons why getting involved in green initiatives can help your business soar.

Investing in green initiatives is good PR

Did you know that ‘Green PR’ has become its own subfield of public relations? Green PR provides an opportunity for companies to publicize their engagement with green solutions and highlight their active commitment to the future. For as long as people want to hear about green initiatives, companies can continue to brag about them in a way that standard PR is sometimes criticized for.

Because investors and other stakeholders are becoming increasingly interested in the sustainable activities of the companies they deal with, white papers and entire website sections are now being dedicated to outlining details such as environmental investment and sustainable planning. Just be sure that everything you’re outlining is sincere and can’t be seen as greenwashing — trust us, stakeholders will know the difference!

It improves consumer perception and corporate social responsibility

As society moves towards a more eco-conscious mindset, people are now realizing that what they buy and who they buy from can greatly impact the environment. With the circular economy gaining momentum and consumers now caring about sustainable products and packaging, there’s no better time for your business to get involved in green initiatives. 

In a highly-competitive market, consumers can now choose which companies they want to buy from, and those not showcasing a commitment to sustainability are the ones consumers are likely to bypass. Even within peer groups, there’s almost a sense of shame associated with engaging with fast fashion brands and companies known for having a high carbon footprint. Consumers now know how to do their research and the things that they care about, your business needs to care about too.

While it’s not yet mandatory for every organization on the planet to meet the same level of standards when it comes to environmental causes, the existence of corporate social responsibility is now pushing more businesses than ever into adopting sustainable solutions for their operations. The more sustainably you run your entire business now, the less you’ll need to worry about having to adopt complex (and inevitable!) changes in the future.

It can benefit you financially

Companies actively focusing on improving sustainability rates within their business operations are also recording better financial results. With a spotlight on reducing waste and enhancing consumer loyalty through green initiatives, businesses are experiencing several economic benefits of “going green”.

Everyone already knows about common practices such as companies going paperless and switching to low-energy bulbs to lower utility costs, but the companies seeing the biggest cost-saving results from green initiatives are the ones creating entire sustainability plans for their business. The ‘go big or go home’ approach works well with green initiatives because, let’s face it, there’s no upper limits when it comes to positive change.

Bringing in a sustainability specialist to advise on long-term green agendas is becoming an increasingly popular choice for many companies who already understand the benefits of sustainable business practices but who want to optimize them further. Having entire buildings evaluated for their energy efficiency and installing solar panels are just some examples of environmental actions that can save you money long-term, but an expert will be able to advise you on more innovative and cost-effective solutions that you might not have even heard of yet.

Even though higher levels of investment will be required for some companies to achieve sustainable results, the overall consensus is that green measures will make your money go further in the future. 

It allows you to get ahead of the curve

With pressure on governments to end fossil fuel development and look towards renewable energy sources, environmental regulations will likely continue to be implemented at an increasingly fast rate. 

Companies that don’t comply with regulations are currently being offered some form of respite when it comes to implementing the changes required, but as time goes on, this window for change will reduce. 

Companies that aren’t actively adopting sustainable measures as they grow their business operations will likely encounter issues in the near future that will prove costly and time-consuming. As your business moves forward, it’s best to look towards what industry leaders are doing and adopt green initiatives as soon as possible (though it’s even better if you’re already ahead of the curve!).

It improves company culture

Companies who show that they care about sustainability are also showing that they care about their employees, and this is always great for company culture. Employees want to see that their employers are taking the necessary steps for a better future, not only for them, but also for their children and future generations. Companies that utilize sustainable initiatives create a better sense of belonging within their workplace. After all, we’re all trying to achieve the same sustainable goals.

For companies operating from buildings certified in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), data even suggests that employees of these companies feel better in their environment. In a survey released by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 79% of respondents said they would choose a job in a LEED-certified building over a non-LEED building. This highlights just how aware employees are of their sustainable surroundings and how harshly companies are judged for not contributing to the positive efforts being made on a global scale.

How investment in Oxydus’s atmospheric water solutions can help you or your business contribute to a better future:

Due to the ongoing effects of climate change, the earth’s supply of fresh water is depleting rapidly. Therefore, investment in water infrastructure to aid this crisis is one key area that companies can include in their sustainable efforts. Oxydus has developed and patented the Teva7 system, the only remotely managed atmospheric water production system, soon to hit the market. 

Available in three different sizes, the unit extracts moisture from the earth’s atmosphere and turns it into instantly drinkable water, with all functions controllable from anywhere in the world. With virtually no limitations on where the unit can be positioned, Oxydus are bringing water to wherever it’s needed.

Using the latest in AI technology and a new filtration system that ensures all harmful contaminants are automatically removed from the water, Teva7 finally provides a viable solution to the current water scarcity problem.

Up to now, units developed within the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) industry haven’t managed to address the issues Oxydus has succeeded in addressing, so gathering funding for the Teva7 is now more crucial than ever. We’ve ensured that our units are scalable and can start delivering results immediately — and that’s why we need investors to get involved as soon as possible.

By investing in Oxydus, you’re investing in a company with long-term goals and objectives that serve to benefit not only the people who need us now, but also those who will need us in the future. Our solutions go beyond what anyone else in the industry has been able to achieve, so getting involved in our projects can be the first step towards making a real difference to peoples’ lives.

We’ve already been issued with two U.S. Patents & awarded international PCT Patent application recognition, so we’re well on our way — we just need a little extra support to achieve everything we’ve set out to achieve. We’re already making waves in the industry and we’ve love for you or your business to be part of the journey with us.

You can contact us directly if you would like to receive technical documentation on our machinery and process! 

For investors wanting to get involved, you’ll find all the information you need at: https://wefunder.com/oxydus