Oxydus - Solutions for Earth's Biggest Problems

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How Oxydus Identifies Solutions For The Global Water Crisis

In the face of worsening climate change, more communities around the globe are feeling the effects of water scarcity. Tackling such a gravely serious issue can seem overwhelming, if not completely unsolvable, due to the scope and size of the problem. At Oxydus, we believe we have developed a way to efficiently and sustainably deliver additional water resources to struggling communities, to help bolster local supply and do our part to alleviate the harm that water scarcity is causing. That solution is rooted in Oxydus’s invention, the atmospheric water generator (AWG) factory.

How atmospheric water generators work -- and don’t work

Atmospheric water generators (AWGs) pull humidity from the air, so a water source such as precipitation or a reservoir isn’t needed. Even in a drought, dessert, or pollution-heavy areas, AWG can turn something all around us -- air -- into something else we all need: water.

Currently, most AWG solutions come in the form of AWG machines. Unfortunately, standard AWG machines have several flaws which prevent the solution from scaling up to reliably service an area in need. For one, the air brought into an AWG is not filtrated, leading to an inconsistency in water quality that cannot adequately satisfy the water quality standards set by local and regional governments. The machine is too dependent on weather conditions, severely impeding function when humidity drops below 60% and ceasing to work altogether when humidity drops below 30%. With no effective distribution model in place, people need to travel long and short distances alike to obtain water from the AWG machine.

How Oxydus AWG factory solves these key problems

Oxydus AWG factory model sets standards and procedures, as well as addresses key design flaws, in order to establish an AWG is a stable water source that communities can rely upon. The AWG unit is brought indoors, where humidity and temperature are kept at exactly the right levels for maximum water production. Our factory improves on AWG machines by filtering air through a series of state-of-the-art devices to eliminate all contaminants. We package the 20,000 liters of clean water we make every day in fully biodegradable bottles, which we distribute to communities in need.

The global water crisis matters -- be a part of the solution

Water scarcity is an issue that impacts quite literally everyone on the planet. In very brief, reliable water access impacts quite literally everything we do. For one, good access to clean water is the backbone of a strong economy. Without it, industries ranging from textiles to farming simply cannot operate. Water is the backbone of agriculture, impacting how the world eats or doesn’t eat; in the United States, for example, 90 percent of all water usage is devoted to growing crops and raising livestock. In extreme cases, famine can occur as a result of a lack of water; Yemen’s devastating war has its roots in a starving population. Basic human needs will continue to be woefully unmet, and entire societies as long as the water crisis continues on its current status quo.

Any good solution to such an immense, catastrophic global crisis requires something truly innovative and unprecedented – and the resources to turn that vision into a reality. Click here to visit the Oxydus Wefunder page and learn how you can contribute to a permanent infrastructure that could help to provide clean water for all.